The Perfect Rifle? A.R.M.E.D.

The Perfect Rifle? A.R.M.E.D.

Is there a perfect rifle? A minimalist AR-15 rifle? Has anyone built an Armalite Rifle: Minimum Effective Dose, or A.R.M.E.D?  Colonel Jeff Cooper, USMC, the founder of Gunsite Training Academy and the father of modern pistolcraft, decades ago closely examined...
SOTG Guardian Challenge

SOTG Guardian Challenge

[ Guardian Challenge ] It is the people, not the government, regardless of the branch, that will either keep, defend, and guard the United States Constitution or will allow it to be nullified and ignored by tyrants and bureaucrats with evil intent. GET OUR FREE WEEKLY...
Indiana Good Samaritan: Lessons Learned

Indiana Good Samaritan: Lessons Learned

We are not going to hold our collective breaths waiting for the legacy media to point out the lessons that we can learn from the incident at the Greenwood Park Mall. Instead, we will take a moment here to discuss the Lessons Learned that might seem obvious, and also...
SOTG University Podcast

SOTG University Podcast

Student of the Gun media production is proud to announce a new educational venture; SOTG University Podcast.  The Student of the Gun University Podcast uses a single topic, short-form, easy to digest format to enable the content consumers to maximize their listening...