Saving Detroit?

Saving Detroit?

Detroit: The Crime Scene [memb_include_partial id=15899] The Dodge pickup truck rolled west on Eight Mile Road. Eight Mile road unofficially the line of demarcation. It separates former East Detroit, now East Pointe, from the incorporated war zone know as Detroit,...
The Death of the Editor

The Death of the Editor

“You seem to have a problem with YouTubers and bloggers. Why is that?” was a question/accusation aimed at yours truly recently. I don’t have a blanket dislike for the use of YouTube or the ubiquitous Weblog for the distribution of information. The...
What is the Color of Stupid?

What is the Color of Stupid?

“Never let a serious crisis go to waste,” is a quote attributed to the current boss of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel. In the progressive Statist world, we could modify that statement. “Never let a tragedy or crime fail to become a crisis.” We have seen...
Gun Control Works

Gun Control Works

[memb_include_partial id=15899] Recently a colleague offered the observation that anti-gun or gun control laws are blatant and obvious failures. He pointed to the crime rates in Chicago, D.C. and New York as examples of areas with severely restrictive gun control...