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SOTG 474 - Patriot Fire Team: Carrying the Load

(Photo Source: Paul Markel)

Frustration and anger are running high in the United States of America with many people feeling as if they are shouldering the burden all alone. The Patriot Fire Team was developed to help you spread out the load and ease the burden of being a patriotic American citizen.

During this entire week on SOTG Radio, Professor Paul will consider the PFT and the positive or proactive steps you can take to preserve the Republic four men at a time. Our SWAT Fuel Warrior of the Week has a question about home defense. As a professional bodyguard, Paul had the task of outlining the security strategy for many homes and businesses.

Also, we have a Vagination Report for you from the Great White North.

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From calgaryherald.com/sports:

They will still be the Men in Black.

But there will be a change.

The Calgary Stampeders announced on Wednesday that they will alter their black jerseys for the final two games – this Friday against the Toronto Argonauts (7 p.m. at McMahon Stadium) and the West Final on Nov. 20.

The shoulder patch, which features a pair of crossed six-shooters, will be covered by a black piece of cloth.

The move was made after one of the team’s players, 23-year-old defensive back Mylan Hicks, was gunned down outside a Calgary nightclub last month.

Stamps GM John Hufnagel said a permanent decision about the pistols logo would be made in the off-season.

“The team made the decision to cover the shoulder patch worn by the players on the field for the remainder of the 2016 season to acknowledge last month’s tragic loss of Mylan Hicks,” Hufnagel said.

“The Stampeders black jersey has been very popular with many of our fans and players since we became the first CFL team to wear an alternate jersey in 1994 and it will remain an important part of our identity.

“Following the season, we will review all options in regards to potential changes to the design of the jersey.”

Nelson Lugela, 19, is charged with second-degree murder in Hicks’ death on Sept. 25.

Stamps quarterback Bo Levi Mitchell said he agreed with covering up the shoulder patch.

“I think it’s the right thing to do,” Mitchell said. “It was a suggestion by some people in our organization.

“Within our locker-room, it’s not bringing attention to something that it shouldn’t be.

“So there’s no complaints from us.”

Head coach Dave Dickenson echoed Mitchell’s sentiments.

“I didn’t have a lot to say about it but I do understand why as an organization, we decided to go this route,” Dickenson said. “It’s a family thing.

“We felt it was the right thing to do. I support it.”

Offensive lineman Spencer Wilson isn’t a big fan of political correctness.

Wilson didn’t feel the jerseys needed to be altered to appease anyone outside the locker-room.

“I thought they looked great just the way they were,” Wilson said. “But if that’s what we have to do to make everyone happy, then that’s fine by me.

“But they looked pretty crisp how they were.”

Wilson was fine with the change if it was viewed as another way to honour Hicks.

The team has done a number of different things to keep Hicks in their thoughts, including painting the initials ‘MH’ or his No. 31 on their bodies or towels.

The Stamps are also wearing a No. 31 sticker on their helmets for the rest of the season.

Stamps wideout Anthony Parker said this is just another chance to keep Hicks’ memory alive.

“From a team perspective, with what happened, we respect and understand the decision,” Parker said. “It’s one of those things that in society today, we’re probably too familiar with those types of things, weapons of various sorts.

“So I can definitely see where we’re coming from on that front. It’s the right thing to do with what happened.

“Ultimately we’re out here to support Mylan in any way that we can. This is just another step we’re taking so I’m totally on board.”

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Paul G. Markel has worn many hats during his lifetime. He has been a U.S. Marine, Police Officer, Professional Bodyguard, and Small Arms and Tactics Instructor. Mr. Markel has been writing professionally for law enforcement and firearms periodicals for nearly twenty years with hundreds and hundreds of articles in print. Paul is a regular guest on nationally syndicated radio talk shows and subject matter expert in firearms training and use of force. Mr. Markel has been teaching safe and effective firearms handling to students young and old for decades and has worked actively with the 4-H Shooting Sports program. Paul holds numerous instructor certifications in multiple disciplines and a Bachelor’s degree in conflict resolution; nonetheless, he is and will remain a dedicated Student of the Gun.

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