Pocket Guns and Compact Guns are awesome for summer carry. If you use a pocket gun for CCW, you need to watch the To Bear Arms segment during this episode. You may be surprised what Professor Paul has to say about pocket guns. To Move or Not to Move? That is the...
During this episode of Student of the Gun Television Professor Paul reveals the “Donut” that could save your live. Time is an integral component in saving a life and this new donut may be just the tool for you. During the Fighting Fitness segment Jarrad “Lil Fedor”...
If you carry a gun (and even if you don’t) you should ALWAYS have a functioning flashlight with you. Why? Great question! Tune in to see what Professor Paul has to say. He will address this topic during our To Bear Arms segment. Jarrad “Lil Fedor” Markel is back and...
Mythbusting Visible Lasers & TPX Professor Paul does some mythbusting this week on our To Bear Arms segment. HINT: The topic he is mythbusting has to do with lasers on your gun. You may be surprised about what he has to say. During this week’s Beyond the Bandaid...
Professor Paul reveals the best way to guarantee a patient has an open airway while you’re working on them in the field. Turns out, you CAN keep their airway open, apply a tourniquet, wrap wounds, AND go open the gate to the range for the EMT’s. During Rifleman 101,...
IFAK’s and Blowout Kits are the focus of our Beyond the Bandaid segment this week. Professor Paul breaks down the necessities of a proper IFAK/Blowout Kit. During Rifleman 101, we move up a notch to the kneeling position. We take a moment to discuss 3 of the 4...
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