SOTG 226 – Police Pistols to be Destroyed

Snubbing their noses at both the taxpayers and law enforcement officers simultaneously, the City of Honolulu, Hawaii has decided to destroy over 2000 handguns valued at an estimated $500,000. Apparently the half-million dollar price tag is worth the cost to promote...

SOTG 209 – The Canadian Solution

We take off again to the Great White North with an excellent example of how well gun control laws work. Yes, gun control does indeed work, just not for those you might think. Also, a Canadian M.D. is singing the praises of gun registration laws as a way to “prevent”...

SOTG 148 – Democide: Death by Government

What happens when the state is armed and the people are not? We consider the history of the last century and examine the shocking number of murders committed by the state against the people. Most countries in the world claim to have some type of constitution. What...