‘Rona Panic: Follow the Money

Follow the money. That advice applies to many situations and it certainly now applies to the CoronaVirus pandemic. Who would stand to benefit from Orange County, CA overinflating the number of CV-19 cases? We will tell you just how much money California received.

Also, who is financially benefiting from mandatory mask orders? Who are the big companies making masks and which politicians are getting money from those companies? 

Remember the new book from our friend and author, Nicholas Orr. Sin City, the Operator, Book 2 is out as a Kindle version and Amazon paperback.  

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Enjoy the show! And remember…
You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life!



  1. https://youtu.be/AjT8UhDAVHI
  2. https://youtu.be/DVLStumDzOE

FEATURING: MSN, Beckers Hospital Review, Stat News, WBFO, Open Secrets, Market Watch, SWAT Fuel, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul G. Markel, SOTG University

PARTNERS: Brownells Inc, Crossbreed Holsters, SWAT Fuel, DuraCoat Firearm Finishes

FIND US ON: United Gun Group, iHeart Radio, Apple TV, Roku, Amazon, iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, YouTube, Full 30, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr


From www.msn.com/en-us:

The total number of COVID-19 tests conducted in Orange County was mistakenly inflated for more than a month beginning in late April in data released to the public, an error that may have painted a rosier picture of the pandemic than the reality in the region.

For roughly five weeks, county staff incorrectly added 30,000 serology tests to its “cumulative tests to date” figure, which made it appear that more testing for the virus was happening was the case.

The cumulative testing figure reported by the county is supposed to be a count of how many diagnostic tests — which detect whether someone was infected with the virus at the moment of testing — were conducted countywide, Dr. Clayton Chau, director of the Orange County Health Care Agency and the county’s interim health officer, said during a media briefing Thursday.

(Click Here for Full Article)


From www.opensecrets.org:

As the U.S. population ages, the market for medical supplies only grows. This industry category includes both medical supplies manufacturers and dealers – firms that design and market everything from bedpans and artificial limbs to high-tech equipment for both home and hospital use. Traditionally, the industry’s primary interests in Washington have been in the activities of two agencies: the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and the Food and Drug Administration.

The industry’s rise to prominence in terms of both lobbying and campaign contributions began early in the Obama administration’s first term and was largely driven by the debate over the overhaul of the health insurance system.

The medical supplies industry’s lobbying outlays peaked in 2014, when it spent just under $32.9 million. While the numbers have declined slightly since then, they remain above pre-Obama era levels, with these interests spending almost $31.9 million on federal lobbying in 2015.

(Click Here for Full Article)


From opensecrets.org:

NOTE: The organization itself did not donate, rather the money came from the organization’s PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals’ immediate family members. Organizations themselves cannot contribute to candidates and party committees. Totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.

Top 5 Donations:

  1. Sanders, Bernie. Total: $28,054
  2. Klobuchar, Amy. Total: $23,875
  3. Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte. Total: $21,416
  4. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte. Total: $18,386
  5. National Republican Senatorial Cmte. Total: $17,143

(Click Here for Full Article)

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Zachary Markel, affectionately known as the Shipping Ogre, is an intricate member of the Student of the Gun team. Zachary co-hosts the radio show, publishes the material for public consumption and produces Morning Mindset with Paul G. Markel. As the Shipping Ogre, Zach oversees the SOTG Gear store. He ensures that every package he touches is handled with care.