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SOTG 499 - Do the Right Thing: Buy Guns

SOTG 499 – Do the Right Thing: Buy Guns

On the heels of the crushing defeat of their political idol by Donald Trump, the left-wing news predicted a dim future for the gun industry. On Friday November 25, 2016, the gun buyers of America proved the media to be wrong once again. Apparently Americans will buy guns when they are happy.

During our Quiet Time segment from SilencerShop.com, the Professor will discuss care and maintenance of pistol silencers.

And, for those who might have missed it, we share the interview between James Yeager and Paul about SOTG and the PFT Manual.

Brought to you by Silencer Shop!

Topics Covered During This Episode:

  • Motivational Music: Get Down Tonight by KC & The Sunshine Band
  • Black Friday 2016 Breaks Background Check Record for Gun Purchases – we can buy guns without panicking
  • James Yeager of Tactical Response Interviews Professor Paul about the Patriot Fire Team Manual
  • Quiet Time brought to you by Silencer Shop: Care and Maintenance of your pistol silencer (FrogLube!)

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From www.breitbart.com:

The number of background checks for gun purchases performed on Black Friday 2016 broke the record for Black Friday background checks as well as the overall single day record.

On December 1, 2015, Breitbart News reported that Black Friday 2015 set a Black Friday and overall single day record with 185,345 checks in a 24-hour period. But FBI numbers for November 25, 2016 show that the number of background checks performed on Black Friday 2016 surpassed the 2015 record by a few hundred checks.

According to Business Insider, “the FBI processed 185,713 background checks” on Black Friday 2016.

On November 26, 2016, Breitbart News reported that gun stores were witnessing lines outside their doors that wrapped around the corner. These lines were a welcome sight to store owners who wondered if Hillary Clinton’s defeat might negatively impact gun sales. After all, fears of more gun control had driven gun sales to new highs over the past 18 months and Clinton’s defeat removed gun control fears for all intents and purposes.

But store owners in many locations reported larger crowds on Black Friday 2016 than they had witnessed on Black Friday 2015. And they learned that discounts had a positive draw on customers (versus the negative draw derived from fear). CNN Money quoted Rick Reyes, “manager of LI Outdoorsman, a gun store in Rockville Centre on Long Island, New York,” who said shoppers came in for “discounts of 10% to 50%” rather than “politics.”

It is always important to remember that background checks are not a precise indicator of the number of guns sold because background checks are performed on the purchaser rather than the firearm–and a purchaser can buy multiple firearms after passing a background check. Therefore, if everyone who passed a Black Friday background check bought two guns it means 371,426 guns were sold at retail in one day. If they bought three guns it means over half a million guns were sold on that one day alone.

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Paul G. Markel has worn many hats during his lifetime. He has been a U.S. Marine, Police Officer, Professional Bodyguard, and Small Arms and Tactics Instructor. Mr. Markel has been writing professionally for law enforcement and firearms periodicals for nearly twenty years with hundreds and hundreds of articles in print. Paul is a regular guest on nationally syndicated radio talk shows and subject matter expert in firearms training and use of force. Mr. Markel has been teaching safe and effective firearms handling to students young and old for decades and has worked actively with the 4-H Shooting Sports program. Paul holds numerous instructor certifications in multiple disciplines and a Bachelor’s degree in conflict resolution; nonetheless, he is and will remain a dedicated Student of the Gun.

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