A councilwoman from Burlington, Vermont declared recently that it is the presence of firearms carried by police that escalates violence in the community. She has called for officers to be disarmed to promote “community safety”.  Congratulations Burlington.

During our Brownells Bullet Points segment, Professor Paul will answer a question from the audience. Are Night Vision devices worth the cost? Let’s take a look at that and see. 

Also, we have a SOTG Homeroom from Crossbreed Holsters.  Professor Paul and Jarrad discuss the responsibilities of being an armed citizen. Paul has some advice on how to always be prepared and have the fundamental four ready to go at a moment’s notice. 

Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us:

Enjoy the show! And remember…
You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life!

Topics Covered During This Episode:


  1. https://youtu.be/YSg4UXWwiwY?t=3s
  2. https://youtu.be/poBELfiG_Ng
  3. https://youtu.be/DVLStumDzOE

FEATURING: DefenseMaven.io, Brownells, Crossbreed Holsters, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul G. Markel, SOTG University

PARTNERS: Brownells Inc, Froglube, Crossbreed Holsters, Century Arms, SWAT Fuel, DuraCoat Firearm Finishes, Silencer Shop

FIND US ON: United Gun Group, iHeart Radio, Apple TV, Roku, Amazon, iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, YouTube, Full 30, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, tumblr


From defensemaven.io:

Burlington City Councilor Perri Freeman argued that the instances where officers need firearms are rare.

A local lawmaker has proposed the idea of disarming the Burlington police force, claiming that when officers carry duty weapons, they “escalate” the level of violence in the city.

“How much is the lethal force…is it really causing at the end of the day, more harm than benefit?” Burlington City Councilor Perri Freeman asked WPTZ.

Freeman claimed that officers perpetuate violence when they carry their duty weapons.

(Click Here for Full Article)

Check out this episode!

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Zachary Markel, affectionately known as the Shipping Ogre, is an intricate member of the Student of the Gun team. Zachary co-hosts the radio show, publishes the material for public consumption and produces Morning Mindset with Paul G. Markel. As the Shipping Ogre, Zach oversees the SOTG Gear store. He ensures that every package he touches is handled with care.