Christmas Gifts and Eating Flamingos | SOTG 1009

There is still plenty of time to shop for Christmas gifts. During our Brownells Bullet Points segment, Professor Paul has some recommendations for gifts for the freedom loving man or woman in your life. 

During our SOTG Homeroom from CrossBreed Holsters, we will consider an important topic as the mercury drops across the country. How often do you practice shooting while wearing your winter gloves? 

We have yet one more cautionary tale from the glorious People’s Republik of Venezuela. Rather than eating turkeys during the holidays, the victims of 21st Century Socialism have another bird on the table. 

Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us:

Enjoy the show! And remember…
You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life!


  • [0:06:00ish] Brownells Bullet Points –
    • TOPIC: What can you get for Christmas? index.htm
  • [0:14:00ish] Cyber Monday Stuff Ends Today
  • Huge thanks to our Partners:
    Brownells | CrossBreed | Duracoat | SWAT Fuel
  • [0:25:15] SOTG Homeroom –
    • TOPIC: It’s cold outside. Can you shoot while wearing gloves?
  • [0:33:00] Venezuelan army starts mining Bitcoin to make ends meet
  • [0:40:00] Venezuelans killing flamingos and anteaters to stave off hunger amid mounting food crisis
  • [0:48:30] Q&A Session
    • Paul, what kind of mats do you use in your garage so your weights don’t crack the concrete? – Jess Britt
    • I have a friend who’s a sheriff. They taught him to cross his thumbs when pointing a handgun “for retention” if they try to knock it out of your hand. Is there any truth to this? – Robinson Fernandez Jr.
    • Is it ever too late to start lifting? – Steve Bankston



FEATURING: Coin Telegraph, FOX News, SWAT Fuel, Madison Rising, Jarrad Markel, Paul Markel, SOTG University

PARTNERS: Brownells Inc, CrossBreed Holsters, Century Arms, SWAT Fuel, DuraCoat Firearm Finishes

FIND US ON: Full30, iTunes, Stitcher, AppleTV, Roku, Amazon, GooglePlay, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, tumblr



The regime of Nicolás Maduro continues to lean on crypto to keep economically solvent.

Via Instagram, an engineering brigade of the Venezuelan army inaugurated the new “Digital Assets Production Center of the Bolivarian Army of Venezuela.” As the video shows, the center houses various ASIC mining equipment used to crack proof-of-work algorithms.

(Click Here for Full Article)



Venezuela’s food crisis has gotten so bad that people are apparently killing pink flamingos and other protected animals in order to stave off hunger.

While flamingo hunting is both illegal and uncommon in the South American nation, investigators from Zulia University in the northwestern Venezuelan city of Maracaibo have noted at least 20 cases of bird carcasses being discovered with their breasts and torsos removed.

And flamingos aren’t the only unusual animal to become a victim of Venezuela’s worsening food crisis. Remains of everything from dogs and cats to donkeys and even giant anteaters have been found in garbage bags at city dumps around the country.

(Click Here for Full Article)

Check out this episode!

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Zachary Markel, affectionately known as the Shipping Ogre, is an intricate member of the Student of the Gun team. Zachary co-hosts the radio show, publishes the material for public consumption and produces Morning Mindset with Paul G. Markel. As the Shipping Ogre, Zach oversees the SOTG Gear store. He ensures that every package he touches is handled with care.