Blood Trail: Fearless Fiction

Blood Trail: Fearless Fiction

Fearless Fiction. There is some debate as to the exact age of The Iliad and The Odyssey, nonetheless these tales of fiction are at a minimum 2,700 years old. Despite their age, both works are the essential foundation of Western Canon and hold innumerable lessons that...
Shotgun Accessories: Practical and Useful

Shotgun Accessories: Practical and Useful

When it comes to Shotgun Accessories, particularly a shotgun that is designated for fighting or martial application, there are a plethora of add-ons out there. However, we must consider which items are useful and practical and which ones are expensive gun-jewelry?...
Tactical Rifle Tips: Transition Drills

Tactical Rifle Tips: Transition Drills

Original Publish Date: 11/29/2021 | Updated: 01/05/2024 “Why do you carry two guns if you are only going to use one?” our instructor asked the class as a whole. I was attending a tactical rifle training course and all of the students were carrying some form of...