SOTG 063 Pt. 2 – Windy City Insanity

SOTG 063 Pt. 2 – Windy City Insanity

Regarding the insanity of doing the same thing and expecting different results, those who live in Chicago take the crown. Despite glaring evidence that Anti-Gun, Anti-Violence campaigns are failures, the powers that are pushing for more of the same, virtually ensuring...
SOTG 062 Pt. 1 – Fear of the Militia

SOTG 062 Pt. 1 – Fear of the Militia

Our XS Sights Good Guy wants to talk about the militia and how, given the current political climate, we can “justify” creating or being a member of one. We discuss eye dominance for shooters new and old, then examine the latest “criminal apologist” in Detroit,...
SOTG 060 Pt. 2 – Motor City Madhouse

SOTG 060 Pt. 2 – Motor City Madhouse

The Detroit Chief of Police advised the good citizens to arm themselves in defense against violent criminals. That advice has been taken to heart and the good guys in the Motor City are fighting back against the bad guys. However, not everyone out there thinks that is...
SOTG 057 Pt. 2 – Taste the Irony

SOTG 057 Pt. 2 – Taste the Irony

During the second hour of this week’s show our tummies are bit upset from the taste of the sickly sweet irony. Imagine, if you will, a vocal anti-gun politician who thinks you have “no reason” to own military style firearms and then gets bust for trafficking military...