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SOTG 490 - Attention Police: America has Your Back

(Photo Source: Lee Co. Sheriff’s Office)

The productive, responsible people of the United States sent a message to police officers nationwide on Tuesday November 8, 2016; “We have your back.” The defeat of the vicious harpy was also a repudiation of 8 years of Obama Administration attacks on local law enforcement. America has your back, will you have ours?

Our SWAT Fuel Warrior of the Week has a question about Force on Force Training. Where do you get it and how do you choose a school from which to get that training. Professor Paul has a good deal of experience in that department and will share it with you.

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Topics Covered During This Episode:

  • SWAT Fuel Warrior of the Week: What to look for in Force on Force Training Class
  • Citizen saves Deputy from attack in Florida – Civilian Shoots, Kills Man Attacking Deputy in Florida
  • American Cops:  the American Gun Culture  has your backs. Remember that. You need to have ours.
    • The Good, Productive, Gun-owning people of America just said NO to the War on Police by defeating Obama’s heir apparent.
    • Stop the “US vs Them” mentality, put a stop to the systemic arrogance that says “only we should have guns”
    • Stop participating in Unconstitutional Actions

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From www.leoaffairs.com:

The suspect who was fatally shot by a civilian while beating a Florida deputy has been identified as 53-year-old Edward Strother.

The bystander who fatally shot Strother, likely saving the deputy’s life, has not been identified.

The Monday morning commute in Estero, Florida came to a standstill today after a suspect led police on a wild and deadly chase along southbound I -75.

One of those drivers who got caught up in the drama this morning was Rick Maestas. He spoke to WINK News this morning and had this to say about what he saw:

“There was a high-speed pursuit on the left shoulder when I got off the ramp…there was a man on top of another man …they were struggling for a little bit then I heard three shots…then the man who was sitting on top of the police officer fell to the side…the police officer got up, he was exhausted and laid back down, then help came.”

Other drivers, who witnessed pieces of the action as it unfolded this morning, wrote about it later online. One person said the suspect drove past them going at least 120mph… “he flew by a deputy who then chased him for at least 3 exits.”

It appears that the deputy was working an accident at Mile Marker 126 when the suspect “came upon him” and that’s when the pursuit began.

Another woman wrote: “I watched the suspect jump out of his car and run toward the officer and tackled him.”

Other drivers, who witnessed pieces of the action as it unfolded this morning, wrote about it later online. One person said the suspect drove past them going at least 120mph… “he flew by a deputy who then chased him for at least 3 exits.”
It appears that the deputy was working an accident at Mile Marker 126 when the suspect “came upon him” and that’s when the pursuit began.
Another woman wrote: “I watched the suspect jump out of his car and run toward the officer and tackled him.”

The Lee County Sheriff’s Office told local news media that the deputy who was involved, 12-year veteran Deputy First Class Dean Bardes, is expected to be okay. The suspect who was fighting with the deputy was killed during the struggle and WINK is reporting that a passerby is the one who shot him.

“The passerby, who had a Concealed Weapons License, exited his vehicle and instructed the suspect to stop beating the deputy…after noncompliance from the suspect, the passerby shot the suspect three times,” sources said.

The exit to Corkscrew Road was completely blocked off and traffic was backed up for miles on southbound I-75 this morning. FHP officials say the ramp is expected to be closed until 9pm.

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Paul G. Markel has worn many hats during his lifetime. He has been a U.S. Marine, Police Officer, Professional Bodyguard, and Small Arms and Tactics Instructor. Mr. Markel has been writing professionally for law enforcement and firearms periodicals for nearly twenty years with hundreds and hundreds of articles in print. Paul is a regular guest on nationally syndicated radio talk shows and subject matter expert in firearms training and use of force. Mr. Markel has been teaching safe and effective firearms handling to students young and old for decades and has worked actively with the 4-H Shooting Sports program. Paul holds numerous instructor certifications in multiple disciplines and a Bachelor’s degree in conflict resolution; nonetheless, he is and will remain a dedicated Student of the Gun.

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