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SOTG 568 - Best of SOTG: You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out, When America Was Great

SOTG 568 – Best of SOTG: You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out, When America Was Great

As Christmas approaches we caution you not to shoot your eye out.  Professor Paul discusses his personal Daisy BB gun experiences as well on his favorite Christmas movie of all time.

During our Fighting Fitness segment from SWAT Fuel, Jarrad will consider nutrition on the road. We ponder the question, what is more costly maintenance or repairs?

Lastly, during our Brownell’s Bullet Point segment we take a look at ways to preserve your precious firearm heirlooms. Remember, firearms have two primary enemies; rust and politicians.

(Originally Aired: 12/21/2016 | Original #: 508)

Brought to you by Silencer Shop!

Topics Covered During This Episode:

  • I’m not trying to be the best at excercising – Eastbound and Down
  • #FightingFitness brought to you by SWAT Fuel: Nutrition on the Road
  • The Red Ryder BB Gun: When America was Great, The Markels visit A Christmas Story House in Cleveland, Ohio.
  • Brownells Bullet Points: ZCorr Vacuum Seal Storage Bags – How to store your guns properly

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Please visit www.SilencerShop.com and take a look at what they have in stock!

Get Your Student of the Gun Tattoo Here: www.lauerweaponry.com

ZCorr Vacuum Seal Storage Bags – How to store your guns properly: www.brownells.com

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Paul G. Markel has worn many hats during his lifetime. He has been a U.S. Marine, Police Officer, Professional Bodyguard, and Small Arms and Tactics Instructor. Mr. Markel has been writing professionally for law enforcement and firearms periodicals for nearly twenty years with hundreds and hundreds of articles in print. Paul is a regular guest on nationally syndicated radio talk shows and subject matter expert in firearms training and use of force. Mr. Markel has been teaching safe and effective firearms handling to students young and old for decades and has worked actively with the 4-H Shooting Sports program. Paul holds numerous instructor certifications in multiple disciplines and a Bachelor’s degree in conflict resolution; nonetheless, he is and will remain a dedicated Student of the Gun.

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