As I sit to pen this piece about how barbell training saved my life, I have just completed a barbell training workout session and the oxygenated blood is flowing to my brain. It has been almost two years since I completed radiation treatment to destroy the cancerous...
The Road Back: Fighting Solves Everything Help us combat Censorship by joining our NewsletterJOIN THE COMMUNITY When you use the words “fighting solves everything” people often misinterpret what you mean. Fighting is not just about physical altercations,...
There have always been tense times in our world. War, disease, economic depression, terrorism, etc. have been present for hundreds and thousands of years. The current national crisis in which we find ourselves has peoplke more anxious and worried than during any time...
What exactly is a “Live Read”? How is it important to modern audio/visual media? How can modern podcasts and on-demand radio take advantage of the live read? That is the subject of this quick review and explanation about just why it is that we do what we do at Student...
Navigate this post: 1. Skill #1: Clothing Care and Maintenance 4. Skill #4: Guns and Knives 2. Skill #2: Vehicle Care and Emergencies 5. Skill #5: Fighting 3. Skill #3: First Aid and Trauma Care a. Real Contact a. Good Hygiene 6. Conculsion [memb_include_partial...
I have always known how to exercise. We did calisthenics in gym class in elementary school. I played basketball, baseball, and football in Junior High. In High School I truly learned about cardiovascular training when we did the “2 A Day” conditioning practices during...
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