Back in May, we had Paul Glasco on the show with us to discuss his new book “How To Make A Monster: A Sensible Look At Rampage Killers”, and in light of recent events, we thought it pertinent to share this interview with you again. In this discussion, Mr. Glaso...
Our buddy, Marty from Talking Lead, will join us for an after-action discussion of our recent time spent in Dallas, Texas at the NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits. It’s always great to have our old friends on the show. During our Tech Talk from EOTech Inc. we...
What is truly going on with the NRA leadership? We have Isaac Demarest, an NRA Board Member, with us today to discuss the changes taking place at the National Rifle Association. During our Tech Talk from EOTech, Inc., Professor Paul will consider the importance...
The team spent a glorious long weekend at NRA Dallas 2024. We have live reports from the floor of the NRA Annual Meeting and Exhibits held in Dallas, Texas. Thanks to Kel Tec Firearms, we had a recording studio on the floor. Thank you to all of you who came out to our...
We brought back our friend and expert firearms instructor, Ken Hackathorn, to discuss red dots, specifically on handguns. Is a red dot sight on an everyday carry pistol an absolute necessity? What are the pros and cons? During our SOTG Homeroom from, we will...
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