Patriot Bookshelf: Books Every Patriot Should Read

The Patriot Bookshelf is a collection of books that every patriot should own and read. These books are recommended based upon personal experiences from Professor Paul and Jarrad, the Digital Mastermind at Student of the Gun. Books will be added frequently so check back often!


Political Thought of the American Revolution

Patriot Fire Team Operation Guidebook

Knights of St. Nicholas: Protector of Children

The Four Pillars of Fighting

Pipe Hitters Guide to Small Arms & Weapons

Pipe Hitters Guide to Access Denial: You Shall Not Pass

The Martial Application of the Pistol

The Martial Application of the Shotgun

The Martial Application of the Rifle

SOTG Instructor Development Manual: First Edition

Beyond the Boo Boo: Traumatic Medical Training for Citizens

A Pipe Hitters Guide to the Citizens Irregular Defense Corps

Patriot Fire Team (PFT): Mission Planner

Pipe Hitters Guide to Crushing the Coming Societal Breakdown

Patriot Fire Team (PFT): Equipment Guide

The Operator

Paul Revere's Ride

Patriot Fire Team Manual

Hip Pocket Brief

Principles of Personal Defense

Rice and Salt